Foreign Language Assessment Centers

An Assessment Center (AC) is an instrument used in personnel selection, typically for managing positions.

Candidates are observed and rated in a variety of exercises like presentations, role play or group discussions. 

Well-designed ACs have the highest predictive validity among job selection methods.

In an AC, candidates have to face difficult situations, thereby revealing their potential for future challenges at the job. It is much more difficult to fake your performance in an AC than creating a favorable impression during a job interview.

The GO Method is a revolutionary approach, applying AC methods to language training.

Why should you try this?

With typical language courses, there is a wide gap between the concrete work challenges and the exercises during the lessons. By applying the GO Method, your employees will improve their language skills, while at the same time developing the necessary communication skills in a variety of job-related situations.

We focus on becoming better in solving job-related problems in a foreign language, and then, start systematically reducing grammar mistakes. Typical language courses, often do it the other way around: They start by working on grammar and often never reach the point where participants can start practicing free conversation.

Employees are usually more open to feedback on their general communication skills during foreign language training. In a standard communication training in their native language, they may be more defensive.

How does the GO Method work practically?

  • Together with key personnel in your company, we establish a list of at least 20 challenging situations your employees might face. 
  • Our team at The GO Method will develop specific training materials for those situations, including detailed role play instructions.
  • During weekly training sessions (usually 2 or 3 times weekly), in the first half of each session, participants play those situations.
  • The instructor documents grammar mistakes and language problems for each participant.
  • Each participant receives detailed feedback, both on communication skills and language issues.
  • In the second half, the necessary grammar rules are explained, missing vocabulary is given and specific exercises are made to remediate typical mistakes.
  • After each session, each participant leaves with a clear analysis of his or her systematic mistakes and topics for future development.

What are the results?

  • Participants lose fear or apprehension while communicating in a foreign language.
  • They learn how to communicate more effectively, even if their grammar is not perfect.
  • They develop specific communication skills (like active listening, asking questions and being more emphatic) that will enhance their general work performance.

How can you test The GO Method?

Contact us and schedule a free consultation. After that, we offer two free group sessions for your employees. See our contact details below.

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Gerhard is easily accessible via phone, e-mail or social media.

Choose the channel that is best for you.

E-mail: [email protected]



Cellphone: +37368026059 (works also for WhatsApp, Viber and Telegram)