Improve your German with Gerhard

  • Are you under pressure to improve your German?
  • Will your career significantly improve if you speak better German?
  • Do you feel stuck and confused as to how to learn further?

Beginners think that it is most important to memorize lots of words and phrases. 

Later on, they start discovering that the most important thing in German is to learn how to combine words. After months and years, they remain stuck. They are making lots of grammar mistakes while speaking, but they do not know how to develop an intuitive basis on how to make correct sentences.

After having learned more than 20 languages, Gerhard Ohrband, a language teacher and psychologist from Hamburg/Germany, developed the GO Method for language improvement.

It differs from standard language courses in the following three aspects:

  • A consequent focus on how to combine words into correct sentences.
  • More than half of the lesson time is dedicated to practicing conversation in difficult and important situations.
  • You will be working on attaining your individual goals (personal and professional) from the very first lesson.

The results

  • You overcome the fear of speaking spontaneously, also on the phone or in group meetings.
  • You develop a solid intuition on how to make correct sentences.
  • You are able to reach your personal goals much faster.

What are the next steps?

Contact Gerhard for a free consultation. See the contact details below. To facilitate the process, write him a message indicating the following:

  • Your current level of German
  • Your motivation for learning German
  • Your availability for a 15-30 consultation on WhatsApp or any other platform.

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